Since living in Cornwall for the past year and a half I've learned a lot about the creative community, local businesses and people whose living is made through crafts and making. I follow several of these people on Instagram as it is great to see people pursuing their passion for the hand made.
Cathryn's work combines beautifully crafted lettering and colours which has been an influence in recent drawings where I am trying to incorporate writing into my reportage drawings to gain more of a sense of narrative for the particular scene I am trying to depict. Her work combines strong colours and personalised text which makes for an individual piece of stationary.
I've chosen a couple of my favourite designs by her. The first because of how she has combined yellow, orange and below and the use of geometric shapes. The second being the use of dark blue and white where the contrast makes for a striking design.
Fancli have an amazing attitude to making and this is really inspiring to see.
'We make quality workwear and accessories for rural craftspeople.
We are inspired by makers who are infatuated with their craft, who ignore conventional career routes to live simply and freely.'
There is something very wholesome and genuine about the way they make work. They think about the fundamentals of design and push how a material can be used to create something which lasts but also has an aesthetic which creative people can appreciate.
"Making has potency. It sparks learning, self-determination and genuine pride." This quote from their website sums up why their approach to making is so genuine, to see people who love what they do and how others use this has made me think about my own approach to making.
I've chosen a few of my favourite products which has been made with care and attention to detail. (currently saving for both)....
Amy's work uses bold and bright colours which have been applied to wooden bowls made by hand. There is something very distinct about her designs through the use of shapes and application of mark making.
Cathryn's work combines beautifully crafted lettering and colours which has been an influence in recent drawings where I am trying to incorporate writing into my reportage drawings to gain more of a sense of narrative for the particular scene I am trying to depict. Her work combines strong colours and personalised text which makes for an individual piece of stationary.
I've chosen a couple of my favourite designs by her. The first because of how she has combined yellow, orange and below and the use of geometric shapes. The second being the use of dark blue and white where the contrast makes for a striking design.
Fancli have an amazing attitude to making and this is really inspiring to see.
'We make quality workwear and accessories for rural craftspeople.
We are inspired by makers who are infatuated with their craft, who ignore conventional career routes to live simply and freely.'
There is something very wholesome and genuine about the way they make work. They think about the fundamentals of design and push how a material can be used to create something which lasts but also has an aesthetic which creative people can appreciate.
"Making has potency. It sparks learning, self-determination and genuine pride." This quote from their website sums up why their approach to making is so genuine, to see people who love what they do and how others use this has made me think about my own approach to making.
I've chosen a few of my favourite products which has been made with care and attention to detail. (currently saving for both)....
Tool Wrap: En Plein Air 0003-0004
This tool wrap would be a great addition to any artist, explorer or creative person. I'm a bit of a hoarder so anything that can help with sorting out my life is a bonus.
This tool wrap would be a great addition to any artist, explorer or creative person. I'm a bit of a hoarder so anything that can help with sorting out my life is a bonus.
Amy's work uses bold and bright colours which have been applied to wooden bowls made by hand. There is something very distinct about her designs through the use of shapes and application of mark making.
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