I first came across the work of Esther after Joanna recommended my work to her on Instagram. As soon as I saw she was into repetitive mark-making I knew her work would inspire me.
Esther graduated from Falmouth this year having studied on the Fine Art degree. Esther's work has inspired and motivated me to consider the idea and meaning of mark-making within my work. I read her dissertation which not only made me understand my own practice more, but introduced me to new artists who take a similar approach to working with repetitive mark.
Her work very much focusses on the ideas and importance of the process. This is so relevant to my way of working because the process very much takes over when I work. For me, this is done through losing myself in the process of printmaking and repetitive mark-making. Within her dissertation she analyses her way of working. Within the first couple of pages I found things she had said that I could associate with very quickly. The way she writes really makes you think about the importance and impact process can have on your work.
A quote within the essay that struck me was:
Esther graduated from Falmouth this year having studied on the Fine Art degree. Esther's work has inspired and motivated me to consider the idea and meaning of mark-making within my work. I read her dissertation which not only made me understand my own practice more, but introduced me to new artists who take a similar approach to working with repetitive mark.
Her work very much focusses on the ideas and importance of the process. This is so relevant to my way of working because the process very much takes over when I work. For me, this is done through losing myself in the process of printmaking and repetitive mark-making. Within her dissertation she analyses her way of working. Within the first couple of pages I found things she had said that I could associate with very quickly. The way she writes really makes you think about the importance and impact process can have on your work.
A quote within the essay that struck me was:
I start with an empty white page. Nothingness can be so threatening. I choose a mark. I repeat the mark. I repeat the mark until the page is full. Until the emptiness is gone.
Her work and writing not only makes you think about the physical properties of mark-making but the emotional responses it can have.
ince graduating from Falmouth Esther has been working hard and in the next couple of days has her first solo exhibition as Bristol.
I think Esther's work pushes the boundaries of drawing and fine art because she has combined the two. She really considers how her work is shown to an audience. This can be seen in photos of her final degree show. The delicate work has huge impact. I wish I had been able to see it in the flesh.
If you are in the Bristol area in the next couple of weeks I highly recommend you go and see Esther's work. I wish her all the best with this show and future work. (which I will no doubt be stalking on Instagram)
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