I have been back in Falmouth for around a month now. A lot has happened and it's taken me ages to settle in properly. The term has started with a lot of representational drawing, life drawing and improving my technical ability. I have loved this and have grown in confidence with drawing outside and in front of people. The amazing thing about the Drawing course at Falmouth is that everyone, years 1 to 3 feels like one big family. The course is small and we are able to walk around and see what others are working on. This is very inspiring as it is great to see how others are developing their practice.
The second years recently put on and exhibition of their work from a recent project about the emergent process. I was really inspired by a collaboration between 3 of the students. The use of media and scale of the piece has given me a lot of ideas.
Work by Hilda, Kayleigh and Sam
As well as being busy with the course I have also had some time to be back in the print room. It feels so good to be back in the studio environment. I'm still very much interested in mark-making and the role this plays within my practice.
Below is some recent work I have created since being back at University.
Line drawings of Falmouth
Line Drawings of Woodlane
Repetitive mark-making experiments
Line and repetition is definitely something I want to continue to explore. I find order, repetition and pattern calming.
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