It might be January blues, It might be because I'm burnt out but at the start of a new term this is the last thing you need. (it probably is the latter because I don't know how to stop...) Whenever I get like this I have different things I do to try and keep myself occupied. I was talking to some people on Instagram and they suggested actually forcing myself to have a lazy day. I am bad at this because like other creatives I put a lot of pressure on myself to be making all the time. I thought I would put together some books, music and videos I go to when the shadow of a doubt/artist block is creeping in. One of the best documentaries that always leaves me inspired is 'What do Artists do all Day - Norman Ackroyd'. Ackroyd is one of my favourite Printmakers and I've been fortunate to see his work in the flesh and each time I see it, it inspires me. I think it is great when other artists share an insight into their way of working and thought process behind the work. ...