I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about why I chose to study and pursue art. When I was at school I lived in the art department and it was the one place I felt truly creative. I am thankful to the art department at my school for shaping me into the experimental, (gaining in confidence still), drawing student that I am at the moment. I was always inspired by other people who shared a passion for what they did. This shows as many have gone on to continue art or design to degree level. I thought I'd share with you some of the people from my school whose work and creativity inspired me and has allowed me to be where I am currently. Miranda Balfe was always similar to me at school with being experimental and pushing how a medium could be used. She is currently at CSM in London studying textiles. I have always admired her use of colour and mark-making and this is translated beautifully into textiles. She uses experimental mark-making to create these bold and...