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Showing posts from March, 2016

Artist Talks// Julia de Graaf

I first came across the work of Julia when I sold my own stuff at the Flock Fair organised by Illustration students at Falmouth University.  I was drawn to how she used media in combination and how she has a real eye for colour.  Today we met up for a coffee in Espressini and talked all things art, music and work ethic. I was also looking forward to seeing some of her sketchbooks. I am always intrigued how other artists/designers document their day to day life and sketchbooks give a good indication to working process.  When first looking through her books it's clear that straight away she is not afraid to experiment with media. Over the christmas period last year she started posting drawings done in brush pen and in smaller sketchbooks. Seeing this partly motivated me to start working in smaller sketchbooks and doing this has taken the pressure off and just drawing to document a day rather than being precious about it.  I relate strongly to her use of li...

Geoff Litherland

My friend Millie first showed me the work of Geoff Litherland late last year. Since then I've been following his work and am inspired by his process and combination of media to tell a narrative to the viewer.  I've selected some of my favourite pieces of his and shared them below. The aspect to his work that find particularly inspiring at the moment is his sense of scale and presenting work to the viewer. Geoff currently has work on display at Tarpey Gallery and his solo show 'Opening the Gates' showcases his new and exciting body of work.  I have always been drawn to how Geoff uses circles and mark making within his work. This piece combines a strong and confident use of line which echo this idea of  another universe and geometry. This provides a sense of space and continuity as the eye is drawn to the centre of the work.  An image of his work from his current solo show 'Opening the Gates'.  I was looking through some of Geoff...

Falmouth Collective// 21032016

 A weekly blogpost celebrating the talent of Falmouth University students, both past and present// Charlie Forrest Charlie uses digital within her work so well. She is selective with colour and uses interesting mark and. I love the use of line within this piece. Lorna Faulkes Lorna's work and interest with waves is fascinating. How she documents this and manages to make it so different each time is a real skill. I find her work so calming.  Rachel Akerman Came across the work of Rachel a few days ago. She uses collage and drawing within her practice, always a winner. Her work has real character and personality and I love how she uses mark making. Jack Matthews Lorna showed me Jack's work, a similar theme to capturing th...

Reportage//Journal// 15032016

Personal reportage// Along side our uni projects we are expected to keep a sketchbook which documents the world around us. This is something I have been finding difficult to do as I wanted to draw every day but time takes over and I 'forget'. I have decided to turn my journal into more of a visual one when I document an aspect of the day through drawing and writing but in an interesting way.  I was talking to Oliver the other about how often he draws and he showed me some drawing he did of the dogs on Gylly Beach. It was seeing his work and the work of Erin Mcclean and Lucie Ebrie who draw and document their daily workings on Instagram in a really innovative way.  Oliver Averill// Lucie Ebrie's comic documentation of her day// Lucie's work provides a comical insight into her day and I love her use of text and image.  Erin drew me//  Erin's use of media is beautiful! She uploads work on a regular basis a...

Falmouth Collective// 13032016

A weekly blog post celebrating the talent of Falmouth University students both past and present// Charlotte Keates//Graduate  Charlottes work is something unique in how she combines structure and texture together. She has a very strong eye for colour and composition//  @Charlottekeates on Instagram  Oliver Averill// Illustration @ Falmouth University  Came across Oliver's work on Instagram the other day. I was struck at how he uses media in such a convincing way to create his emotive narrative pieces. He has a real eye for colour and story telling.  Sophie Eliza Chadwick// Illustration Graduate - Recent work on the Wild Pony Shop in Falmouth Town.  Sophie has been working on the new Wild Pony shop front in Falmouth Town, combining her visual language with colour has been a really great thing to see! Rice party 4 eva!  h...

Illustration Collective//March 2016

I thought I would share with you some of my favourite illustrators and some of their work I've been loving this month//  I first came across Claire's work via Instagram, she takes beautiful photographs of the outside world and has a real eye for composition. Her work reflects this interest in nature and this is one of her designs which has been translated onto mugs and bags. The leaf drawing is one of my favourites of hers because of how mark making has been used. Her work has a distinct use of line which lends itself well to the subject matter of her work in capturing nature.  Claire Latchem Laura is currently a first year on the Illustration course at Falmouth. She shared this piece of work the other day. I was impressed by it a lot, she is someone who already has such a strong distinct visual language. She is able to show complicated ideas through the use of shape and colour. I predict good things for Laura and her work! I find her work really engaging t...

Artist Books// 11032016

We had a lecture on artist books the other day. It was hugely beneficial as it taught me a new way to consider presenting work to a viewer and audience. I think this could be a way forward for combining paper cutting, college and printmaking.  First year Graphics currently have their own on display where they have been bookbinding. I went to the private view yesterday evening with Sophie and thought I would share a few of my favourites. It's really interesting to see how an idea and narrative has been communicated.  I've also put in a few established artists whose books I find inspiring and have given me a few ideas.  Julie Chen//Artist Book Lucy Scholes// Year 1 Graphics @ Falmouth University  Lucy's beautiful hand made book focuses on the idea of memory. She has been very sensitive with the use of material to convey the idea of a memory fading. This has been achieved through screen printing and combining media.  ...

Systems 09032016

This week my project at Uni revolved around this idea of systems. To put it simply to formulate some sort of code or rule and repeat this. This lends itself so much to my way of working I had been looking forward to this project for ages, however when we started I drew a complete blank. This was strange for me as when I work in this way I just create the work instinctively. I make marks and get lost in the process. The lecture provided great names of artist's who work in a similar way. The focus of their work being repeat and structure. I related a lot to the work of Eva Hesse whose work I had not come across before. A woman who worked not only through drawing captures the idea of obsession and pattern in her intricate drawings. Sol Lewitt is someone I had come across before and his work has always appealed because of how he uses rules within art to create large scale pieces of work. He is someone who has made me think about the idea of creating collaborative large scale drawin...

Artist Spotlight//Olivia Jeffries

I've followed the work of Olivia for a while but I came across her work and fell in love with her drawings and use of mark making. However she also makes beautiful ceramics which explore the craft and combine her use of mark and texture in a new and exciting way. I decided to buy myself one of her mugs as a pick me up treat. Each ceramic piece is unique and has so much personality. This is why I really like her work, you can tell she has enjoyed the process of making the piece.  Olivia was very kind and also included another piece of work. This little jug which has been placed on my bedside table (because I don't want to break it). The use of different tones of brown make this piece really unique and stand out. I love the spontaneous marks that appear on the mug and the grey is a beautiful colour.  Content with a cuppa!//~ To check out more of Olivia's work, not only her ceramics but drawings visit her website below: http://oliviajeffries.tict...

Falmouth Collective 05032016

I love to share the work of people who inspire me and going to Art University like Falmouth means I get to see new and exciting work all the time. I've decided to do a weekly blog post about Falmouth University students in particular whose work has influenced and motivated me this week// Lorna Faulkes// Lorna is a graduate of Falmouth University who studied Natural Marine Photography course. I came across her work through my friend Hannah and was instantly stuck by Lorna's ability to capture the rawness of the landscape. The lighting and moody atmosphere of her images are something that I resonate with a lot.  Below is also a link to a trailer for her beautiful film 'River Man' which was part of her final exhibition at Falmouth University. She has a strong eye for composition and movement and this is captured in this film.  I was lucky enough to meet Lorna last week and got the chance to learn more about her influences and ways of working// River Man//Tra...