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Showing posts from September, 2015

Starting University

I go back to University soon. I did my foundation at Falmouth University where I lived a way from home for a year. I've never put myself under so much pressure as last year. I am staying at the University to start on the BA Drawing course. I decided to do this course because I wanted to be pushed technically and make the most of the printing facilities. I would describe myself as a manic, chaotic, workaholic art student. Last year I changed a lot, not only in the terms of my confidence...this has both been very up and down but also my process and way of working. I have always worked hard with my Art, I thrive in a studio environment and being surrounded by other creative people. I love to talk to other people about their process and learning about how they apply their thinking to their work in a visual way. When I finished my foundation I didn't want that to stop, so I found that connecting with other artists through blogs and Instagram is a great way to meet new people. I ...

Artist Envy: Claire Leach

I first discovered the stunning work of Claire Leach last year in the final stage of my final foundation course. It was at a time where I was stressed and at times on the verge of giving up. Sleepless nights working away for the final deadline, it was at this stage that I hit a real artists block. Artists block to me is like hitting a brick wall. I physically stop creating work because I have been at it 100%. This is hard because creating is all I know and love to do. However I came across Claire's work on Instagram. Straight away I saw something in her work that mine was lacking. Her use of mark-making and ability to capture the landscape through this inspired me to persevere. Sometimes, the thing to do is take a step back and look at how other artists approach a similar subject matter to you. It might just give you the inspiration and motivation you need with your work. Claire has recently finished her MA in Fine Art at Winchester school of Art. I find her work very appealing...