For a number of years colour has played a huge part in my work. It would often be the starting point for how I would try and communicate an idea and often where I got inspiration from artists. However since doing my foundation I seem to have diverted away from this and currently my work is all about mark-making and shape. This is something which I find great pleasure in doing as I have found a way to get across my chaotic brain, ideas and way of working. However something which is lacking is colour. Part of this could be because of I have turned to printmaking as a practice and I am still learning a lot about how to manipulate the plate. Part of this includes colour and layering this up. It is something I am not fully comfortable with. I am very impatient and want things to work how I think they will, so I haven't yet tried much colour with my etchings. When I start my degree in September and get back into the studio this is something I want to change. I...