Drawing is a fundamental part of any artistic practice, for me as a printmaker it is how I create an image and manipulate a copper plate. On my foundation I learnt about the real importance of drawing, however I was also shown the many different variations of drawing. In the early stages we did architectural drawing, history drawings and life drawing. I found this a challenge because I have always lacked confidence with my drawing. At A-level I felt very inferior to others around me because of how I perceived their skills compared to mine. However in Year 13 I adapted more of my own style through mark making to build up a representational image. I did this in my final project and found a real interest in pointillism. This has been something that is relevant even in my work now a year later. This September I start my degree at Falmouth University where I’m doing the BA (Hons) Drawing degree. I chose to do this as opposed to Fine Art because at foundation I found printmaking...