It's that time of the month where I share some of my favourite illustrators whose work I've been liking over the past month. I have a real admiration for these people and their ability to create witty and creative narratives. First is the work of Falmouth Graduate Lucie Ebrey. I came across her work through friends and follow her on Instagram. I love her sense of humour and how this is conveyed through her work. The witty use of characters and humour always makes me laugh, follow her account for a much needed laugh. Her distinct style and way of working makes her work stand out. This is also shown through the use of colour which makes the narrative and characters playful. The ability to tell narrative through short snippets in the way she does is very effective and beautifully done. 'Tipsy' is one of my favourites because of combination of rhyming and colour combinations. Follow Lucie's work on her Tumblr: Next is the w...